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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

Ms. Santelices'

Second Grade Class

Here you will find resources for your child's learning and important school updates!

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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

Please bookmark this on your phone or computer to stay updated.

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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children."

"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children."

Isaiah 54:13

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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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Academic Excellence

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Teacher's Choice

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Student of the Month

Christian Witness

Academic Excellence goes to Ms. Addie Ungos! Addie’s journey this year, especially this half of the year has been one of remarkable growth and resilience. Her dedication to learning and her enthusiasm for reading have been truly inspiring to witness. It's evident that Addie has come a long way, as her confidence in her abilities continues to grow. Seeing her excitement for learning blossom has been a highlight for myself and for her other teachers. Addie's journey of growth serves as a testament to her true academic excellence

Teacher’s Choice goes to Julian Castillo! Since Julian joined the class and St. Bernard’s in January, he's made impressive strides. His imaginative ideas and hard work have stood out in both his projects and how he interacts with his peers. Getting to know Julian through his everyday stories has been a real treat for everyone. His consistent improvement and accomplishments are really something to be proud of, and Julian will definitely continue growing throughout 3rd grade! Great job, Julian!.

These two consistently exhibit exemplary Christian values, setting a positive example for their peers. Even when there is some kind of disagreement with others, they try their best to be the bigger person and try to be better the next time. Their kindness, compassion, and willingness to help others are evident in both their words and actions. These students demonstrate humility, integrity, and respect towards everyone around them, embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ. Their genuine care for others creates a warm and inclusive atmosphere in the classroom, fostering a sense of community and belonging for all. It's truly heartwarming to see these students embodying Christian values and making a difference in the lives of those around them. Congratulations Gray Costa and Sofia De Trinidad.

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Morning Assembly

Morning Work

Morning Work

Morning Work

Morning Work










10:00 (15min) Recess

10:00 (15min) Recess

10:00 (15min) Recess

10:00 (15min) Recess

10:00 (15min) Recess






11:45 (45min) Lunch

11:45 (45min) Lunch

11:45 (45min) Lunch

11:45 (45min) Lunch

11:45 (45min) Lunch






Science or Social Studies

Tech and library

Science or Social Studies

1:45 Pack Up

Science or Social Studies

Social Emotional

Science or Social Studies

2:45 Pack Up

2:45 Pack Up

2:45 Pack Up

2:45 Pack Up

2nd Grade Schedule 2023-2024

Note: On noon release Wednesdays, there Is no lunch and our day will conclude after Art/ELA

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Please refer to this when you are curious to see what your child might miss If they need to be excused for the day!

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May Important Information

May Important Information

2pm release

2pm release

Noon release

Noon release

end of the year rally

end of the year rally

Field trip, Playful summer theme handwriting







2pm release

2pm release



Sports Ball Icon

2pm release

2pm release

2pm release

2pm release

Party Celebration Clipart

end of the year party

end of the year party

2pm release

2pm release

2pm release

2pm release

Calendar with big Last Day mark on it. Night backround.

Noon release

Noon release

2pm release

2pm release

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We wll be reflecting with mary and family life throughout the rest of the school year!

We wll be reflecting with mary and family life throughout the rest of the school year!

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Students will be able to Identify shapes

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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

Social Studies

Students will understand basic economic concepts and their individual roles in the economy.

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English Language Arts


prefixes un-, re-

prefixes un-, re-

Test wednesday

Test wednesday


irregular action verbs

irregular action verbs

Test Tuesday

Test Tuesday


Skill: cause andeffect

point of view

Skill: cause andeffect

point of view

Test wednesday

Test wednesday

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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

Spelling Words

Spelling Words













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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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Pretest Monday!

Pretest Monday!

Your child s spelling words are the words that will be written In their planner If they missed more than 3 words from the previous pretest they will have extra words to practice
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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
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All about Ms.Santelices


A little about me

mabuhay! aloha! however you say It, hello there! my name Is miss santelices (san-teh-lee-ses), most just say ms. s. I am your child's second grade educator this year. I am excited for a year of fun, laughter, and learning! In my free time, I spend time with the most Important people in my life - my family. I also love trying new foods, reading, traveling, GETTING MY NAILS DONE, going to the movies AND looking for adventures to do!

Teaching Statement

I acknowledge that we are a team with the same goal - to encourage and educate your child with knowledge to prepare them for a bigger world. I AM CURRENTLY GOING TO SCHOOL AND GETTING MY MASTERS IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY. I LOVE TO INCORPORATE TECHNOLOGY WHERE I CAN, SINCE THIS IS THE NORM IN OUR WORLD. bilingualism Is welcome and highly encouraged In my classroom. students will be learning english In school. If at home you speak another language, I encourage you to keep It up. the more words your child knows, the better! STUDENTS SHOULD BE CELEBRATED FOR THEIR DIVERSITY AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE WELCOME IN MY CLASSROOM WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN.

with god's grace and guidance, I pray your children will be Inspired to change the world once they leave my classroom.


  • Fruits/vegetables
  • The color pink
  • Anything Lilo and Stitch
  • Lakers and 49ers
  • Ulta, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, Kindle!
  • The Brew Life coffee or Baristas
  • The ocean
  • Taylor Swift
  • Marvel and Harry Potter
  • Smells - coconut and chocolate chip cookies
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Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve
Abstract Tropical Monstera  Leaf Seamless Pattern Background. Ve

Contact Information

Email - csantelices@st-bernardschool.org